
O meni: I love to Crossdress as much as i can, i always have since being a teenager when i found how enjoyable sexy lingerie is to wear. I love it so much that I don’t have any male underwear so I’ve always have panties and tights on under male cloths. I love to pose for pictures and love people looking at my pictures, i’m a real exhibitionist and willing to dress up and strip for anyone. I also enjoy being dominated and told how to dress for your pleasure. I love high heels and the way my legs look when wearing them, they look so much better than male shoes. I enjoy to skype and perform sexual acts in front of the camera and to have dirty naughty chats. Ive recently found how pleasurable P orgasm’s are and to enjoy multiple orgasm’s without penial ejaculating is amazing, you can just keep going for hours. Thinking that i enjoy my ass being played with more than my cock. Think i’m a ass slut. Feel free to send me tribute pictures. It turns me on to see someone cumming over me. Love to pose and have fun on Skype Skype on live:.cid.5106e496f2123b1d or paigenewton747@gmail.com https://www.xvideos.com/profiles/paige_newton https://sissyface.com/Paige Enjoy 😘

O meni

I love to Crossdress as much as i can, i always have since being a teenager when i found how enjoyable sexy lingerie is to wear. I love it so much that I don’t have any male underwear so I’ve always have panties and tights on under male cloths.
I love to pose for pictures and love people looking at my pictures, i’m a real exhibitionist and willing to dress up and strip for anyone. I also enjoy being dominated and told how to dress for your pleasure.
I love high heels and the way my legs look when wearing them, they look so much better than male shoes. I enjoy to skype and perform sexual acts in front of the camera and to have dirty naughty chats.
Ive recently found how pleasurable P orgasm’s are and to enjoy multiple orgasm’s without penial ejaculating is amazing, you can just keep going for hours. Thinking that i enjoy my ass being played with more than my cock. Think i’m a ass slut.

Feel free to send me tribute pictures. It turns me on to see someone cumming over me.

Love to pose and have fun on Skype

Skype on live:.cid.5106e496f2123b1d or paigenewton747@gmail.com

Enjoy 😘

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    5 ft 70 in (178 cm)

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